Saturday, October 8, 2011

Summer & Snow

From Summer to Winter in just a short week.

Brock and I moved back to Colorado last weekend.
Lets just say Arizona is NOT for us.
Of course I miss my Dad...but we are both in places that make US happy.

For the most part our journey back was safe except...
during the first hour and a half of our trip someone lost their drive shaft
in the middle of our lane (NO GOOD). Brock ran it over with the moving truck
and I was behind him and shaft shot straight into my bumper and went into the air.
It was heading for my windshield so I swerved to the right and it hit the side of my car. All in all my bumper is cracked and the side of my car has a mark. I am
just happy that we all were safe.
God was watching over us.

The weather change is wonderful.
We went from 100+ degree weather to 60's.
A week later we have SNOW.
Yes, I woke up this morning to snow falling.
Its beautiful.
I do have to admit that there is really no reason for snow right now.
Its only October 8th...the mountain doesn't open for over a month.
I would really like to enjoy hiking and fall a little more.

Speaking of snow...
The Glover men
(my husband Brock, brother in laws, & father in law)
Are on there annual fly fishing trip.
I hope they are having a great time and its not too cold for them.
From what I saw on facebook my brother in law John had a chipmunk
in his sleeping bag last night. I wonder how that went over with them.
Brock was really looking forward to this trip. I am glad he was able to spend this time with his family, but I can't wait for him to come home.

We are still on a house hunt here.
 I has been hard to find a place in our price range.
It is also hard to find a place that allows the dogs.
People are so against Capone.He is very gentle and loving.
 People seems to not care about Ruby too much.
She only 6 treat to anyone.
I hope that we find our own place soon.


  1. WOW! I can't believe it snowed! I mean it is Colorado and I know it's cold but still, fall just started!

    And your blog is really cute!

    Have a great day!

  2. Just found your blog and love the background!!

    Glad you are finding the place in life where you are meant to be! :) Will love reading and following along!!


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